Pastor Search

Grace Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America and a member of the Catawba Valley Presbytery. We are currently searching for a man to serve as our next Senior Pastor. We are a medium size church in Harrisburg, a suburb near Charlotte, North Carolina. Our mission is to passionately proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ as it is revealed in the Bible.
The Pulpit Committee (PC) held its latest committee meeting on January 26. During the course of the afternoon, we held in-person interviews for our top candidates and met as a committee following the Sunday evening service to discuss and evaluate each candidate we interviewed. Following our discussions, the PC is very excited to inform the Grace Church congregation that we have unanimously reached a recommendation for our next Senior Pastor. The Session of Grace Church has likewise agreed with the Committee’s recommendation. We are very excited to inform you all that we are recommending that our Associate Pastor Eugene Oldham be brought before the congregation for approval as our next Senior Pastor. This recommendation is following the open advertisement of the position, review and consideration of 13 qualified applicants, the short listing of 3 candidates, and the final recommendation for Eugene to serve in this role. On behalf of the Pulpit Committee, we would like to thank the Session of Grace, the Diaconate, and all of our members for the commitment, patience, prayer, and reliance on Christ throughout this process. It has been our pleasure to serve His bride over these last few months and we all are very excited to arrive at this recommendation to you. Should you have any questions, please reach out to anyone on the Committee or the Elders. In Him, Pulpit Committee
In this period of waiting and during every step of this process, we ask you to join us in prayer. A Pastoral Search Prayer Guide is available in hard copy at the church, or can be accessed electronically below.
Pulpit Committee
The following individuals make up the Pulpit Committee: Dave Weekly, Jerome Diggs, Eric Hampton, Mark Chapman, Lynne Nicholas, Martha Faires, Bev Nowlin, Sam Grubbs – alt, and Paige Suclupe – alt.