
The Missions Committee at Grace Church exists for the purpose of supporting the work of missions in fulfillment of the Great Commission given by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:15-18) to the Glory of the Triune God.
Mission support is to help meet the needs of Missionaries (local or foreign) and Missions Agencies involved in evangelism, discipleship, mercy, education and church planting.
The Committee also seeks to raise awareness about missions within the local church body at Grace church.

This year (2023), thanks be to God, the missions committee budget is $115,373. These funds will be used to support numerous missionaries and ministries, both locally and overseas in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Missionaries Supported by Grace Church:

Cabarrus Women’s Center
Central Cabarrus BTA
Charlotte Resue Mission
Davidson – Mexico
Faires – Alaska
Grotton – Chile
Halberts – Honduras
Harper – Vienna
Hunts – Prague
Hurrie – South Africa
Lehner – Spain
Levis – DR of Congo
Ohm – Africa
Sarrans – France
Smalling – Latin America
Steinbach – Japan
Wadhams – Washington
Wenger – JAARS
Steve Migishu – Goma, DRC
Purcells – Russia
Others – Undisclosed Locations